Rolling Out a Foodservice Strategy:
The Benefits of Adding a Foodservice to your Roller Skating Rink
Roller skating rinks have long been known as a place for amazing value and entertainment. People, both young and old, love rolling around with friends and family in a familiar place. But as industry trends continue to lean towards convenience, consumers are looking for a more complete experience, and that means foodservice has to be a part of every rink’s strategy.
In this whitepaper we'll talk about why you should consider adding foodservice to your roller skating rink and provide you with an all inclusive guide for adding foodservice to your roller skating rink. Our guide will walk you through the basics of budget setting, menu building and even promotional ideas to take your foodservice plan full throttle.
Adding foodservice to your roller skating rink is going to bring you more sales, increased customer satisfaction, and a solid differentiating factor between you and the competition. And if that wasn't enough to convince you, let me also add that it doesn't have to be hard or complicated! With our white paper you'll learn how easy it can be to add foodservice to your offerings.